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    Open Source Contributions


    SolarMobil Manipal

    SolarMobil Manipal is a research student project in which we had designed, manufactured and tested a "Solar Electric Car from scratch." And it's amazingly powerful. Spearheaded a team of 10 as the "Electrical Team Lead" and implemented a passive battery management system for the 175kWh Li-ion Battery Pack. The car has a top speed of "86kmph" and a range of "150km" on full charge and solar energy.

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    Second Project

    Second project desc.

    • Bullet pt
    • BP2
    • BP3

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      Third Project

      third new project

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        Open Source Contributions

        Atlassian Deployment Triggers

        Uses Async call to lucene index for super fast autocompletion to address performance issue loading config.

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        Added Docker Build Status Badge to

        Added a shield for Docker Hub builds indicating state of last build

        Read more.. Structured Data documentation fixes

        Not all pull requests are glorious code, documentation is really important too! This commit fixed some invalid JSON found in some example specs.

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        Nifty tech tag lists fromĀ Wouter Beeftink